Monday, April 1, 2013

Can you guess who this is about?

Below is my digital story that is based on the works of the late radio personality, Paul Harvey Jr. Paul Harvey was well known for a series titled, "The Rest of the Story." Many of his stories from this series can be found and downloaded including here, from Torrentz. The most extensive list I have been able to find is the Paul Harvey Archives, but as of this post the archives have been taken down. I was introduced to these stories recently and thought that they could be used in numerous ways in the classroom.

The stories tell the unknown tales of faces from history and of famous actors. In my work in remedial reading, students need to understand story structure and this story, along with the rest in the series, is a great depiction of cause-and-effect. I also believe it will be interesting for students to understand how the event portrayed in this digital story, changed this person's life, and the lives of many, still to this day.

The "Rest of the Story" series will will keep you guessing, see if you can figure out who this story is about:

Unfortunately, after uploading the video it lost some of its timing and the pictures and narration got a little off track. This was a bit frustrating after taking so much time to play around with the timeline but I didn't think it was too distracting.

Please leave any constructive feedback but be sure to comment to let me know what use you see for this in your own classroom. 


  1. Cause and effect is a common lesson to teach to students. Yet I have never seen digital story like this used in a case and effect lesson. I love it! I think students will become quickly engaged in the story and it will be easy for them to discuss the idea of cause and effect (which is often a tricky concept to teach!). Nice job Shannon, you clearly worked very hard on this!

  2. I agree, this digital story was great! I was engaged watching it, I'm sure your students will be too. I like that the story keeps people guessing, too. You don't find out who the story is about until the very end. I think you did a great job!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Shannon, I was shocked at the end of this video...I had no idea that this is Walt Disney's story! This would be perfect as an introduction to the skill of cause and effect. I can guarantee you that my kiddos would be delighted by this story, particularly because they like anything that is digitally based :) Your narration was spot on, and I would not have assumed that your timing was slightly off, had you not mentioned anything. Thank YOU for creating such a fabulous instructional tool!

  5. I agree with the previous comments. It is refreshing to see a lesson which focuses on cause and effect; a concept which is important not just in science but also in history and literature. I thought the timing and the soundtrack were well done and that the timing was fine.

  6. Enjoyed your digital story in class last week! Can't wait to show my students this video in the next couple of weeks!
